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Indiana, United States
Empty nesters...ready to stretch our wings. Life is good and we plan on making it even better. This blog is mostly about our trips to Vieques Puerto Rico, with a few odds and ends thrown in about our life after the mortgage.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Spelunking, sorta.....

Another great day. The weather has definitely changed and it feels more like what we're used to. Went back to Caracas, not much else to choose from. Was totally surprised by the lack of people. I guess everyone is coming later to Vieques. Probably topped out at maybe 30 people and a lot of them were locals. Strange, although I'm not complaining.

Quiet morning on the beach. Did yoga, took a long swim, then settled in to enjoy the day. The goal today was to hike over along the rock cliff, towards Playuela, and get some pictures of the cave I found last week. Thankfully the waves have subsided considerably which makes getting onto rocks from the water much easier. The rocks we walked over to get to the cave are very, very rough and sharp. We had on our diving boots.

Below is a close up of the yellow box above. There were lots of these along the coastline. I couldn't imagine getting thrown into these by some big wave. Deadly they are.

It's not a very long walk over to the cave and one might be able to just swim into it from the water line. I would definitely want a calm surf. Here's a google map of where we went:

There are a couple of sets of ropes to get one down into the cave. I didn't go down into it. It was much larger than I originally thought. I tried to take pictures down inside with flash, but they didn't come out very good.

The vistas from atop that cliff are nice. You can see all of Caracas.

Cave found and documented it was time to head back. Speaking of "back", I was given explicit instructions not to have in pictures of my better half's backside. So...you end up with this:

Got back to the cabana and chilled for a bit. Wasn't long until Bill and Joy showed up. Bill was nice enough to loan me a book he had been reading. I'll get it back to him in Feb. when we're all suppose to hook up for a lobster cookout. Yum!

We spent the afternoon hanging out with them, splitting the atom, so to speak. Today was their last day on island, always a bitter-sweet time (as we'll know all too well in just a few more days.)

In the end the no-see-ums took the beach back. 

Great day.


1 comment:

  1. we found priata beach and loved it also gringoe beach is fun by airport. we were just there in october 2014 5th time. listen to jerry jeff walker: cowboy boots and bathing suits. a song that describes a small island like vieques.
